AES 東京コンベンション 2009
Paper Session A3

A3 — 室内音響

Friday, July 24, 16:00 — 17:20
座長: 尾本 章 (九州大学)

A3 - 1   モード合成法と1次反射音を活用したサラウンドスタジオ設計 〜NHK CP604スタジオの設計より〜

In designing a fine multichannel monitoring environment, `low frequency control' and `wide listening area with natural playback sounds' are the important keys. In this paper, three practical design strategies are introduced to realize these keys. The first strategy is a calculation technique of modal analysis using `modal summation method.' It can predict low frequency properties of a rectangular room with less modeling/computing load. The second strategy is an active reflection control. It is a technique to improve low frequency responses by adding reflection sounds. The third strategy is a DFR (Decorrelated First Reflections). It is a design method of time response using early reflections actively. These strategies are introduced through a real design project, multichannel mixing room of NHK's CP604 Studio. Both calculated and measured data for the project shows good responses to demonstrate usefulness of the design methods proposed here.

A3 - 2   NHK HD520 ポストプロダクションスタジオの室内音響とシステム設計

小野 良太(日本放送協会 放送技術局 制作技術センター)
The loudspeaker setup was compliant with ITU-R BS775-1. Excellent architecture acoustics characteristic. HD520 employed cutting-edge system machine. HD520 was designed for the high quality works. I do presentation of HD520 about that acoustics characteristic and the system construction

A3 - 3   径の異なる円柱群を多層状にランダム配置した拡散反射構造が室内音場に及ぼす影響の基礎的検討

佐竹 康, 鶴 秀生, 牧野 和裕, 崎山 安洋, 大橋 心耳, 大山 宏(日東紡音響エンジニアリング株式会社)
A basic study on a multi-layered diffuser composed with different sized cylinders in random distribution for a diffused reflection mechanism in small rooms is examined. This paper shows the result of the study on the effect upon room acoustic characteristics, especially focused on the eigenmodes at low frequency, the characteristics of diffused reflection, and the sound absorption characteristics of the diffuser. The full and 1/5 scale model experiments and the simulation using the FDTD (Finite Difference method in Time Domain) are used for this investigation.

A3 - 4   固有モード計算による中小空間の低域特性に関する予測・評価手法 -N値と聴感確認による室寸法比の評価の提案-

高山恵梨 (ソナ,日本大学), 羽入敏樹 (日本大学), 星和磨 (日本大学), 中原雅考 (ソナ)
In acoustic design for small and medium-sized rooms, it is important to control low frequencies. But conventional evaluations methods are not suitable to make objective evaluation to find the only correct answer. In this study, a new evaluation method is proposed which has conventional mode density and effective mode density, represented by an index N, incorporated for mode evaluations. Use of the index N enables SPL deviation and degeneracy to be evaluated with simple numeric values. Moreover listening examination can be also carried out by auralization of room response.

Last modified: Mon Jun 22 20:48:00 2009